Journey to Bethlehem Volunteer Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in being a part of our Journey to Bethlehem team! Currently, here are the available opportunities:

Donations: food and craft items are needed - email for specific items needed.

Preparations: needed in the weeks beforehand to help get some of the craft materials cut and ready for the kids.

Greeters: needed at both lobby doors, from 4:20-5:10 to welcome Redeemer Kids Choir singers, families, and guests.

Ushers: needed at the worship center doors, from 4:45-5:30pm, to pass programs out and help seat everyone.

Shopkeepers: need a number of adults and students (7th grade and up). We'll provide biblical clothing for you to wear, check in at 4:30pm for instructions (you can watch the program until 5:30pm) then serve from 5:30-7:00pm helping kids make crafts.

Clean-up: need people to take down and put things away afterwards for building use on Monday morning.

Please fill out this form and a member of the Redeemer staff will contact you.