Redeemer United Methodist Church is a place where people can meet Jesus and engage in life-giving community. Everyone is welcome! We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services!

Who We Are
Find out more about our mission and core values here at Redeemer Church. We want to remind everyone that our church is a space for any person, regardless of background.

What We Do
Redeemer is a church committed to connecting people with the love and life of Jesus Christ. Check out our ministries to see how we're living out God's call to spread the Gospel.
Get Involved
We love to connect with our congregation, no matter if they're just visiting or a long time member. Learn more by clicking below or navigating to our "Get Involved" tab.
What To Expect
A typical service will last about one hour. Our traditional services feature music from the hymnal and our modern services feature contemporary Christian worship music. Services here at Redeemer are based in scripture and relevant to our everyday lives. They are designed to be casual and welcoming; we aim to present the material in a way that is easy to understand.
What are your service times?
Directions can be found at the bottom of this page.
Regular Hours
Traditional: Sundays at 8:15
Modern: Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00
What about my kids?
We offer something for children of all ages at our modern services, whether that is in our nursery or through kids and youth ministry programs.
Where should I park?
You can park anywhere in our parking lot. We have doors to the worship center on both the north and southwest sides of the building. Most people park in the south lot, but feel free to park in the north as well.
Is there a dress code?
God looks at the heart, not the outward appearance. In the same way, we at Redeemer are focused on your heart, not your clothes. Wear what you feel comfortable in, whether it's business casual, blue jeans and a t-shirt, or a suit and tie.
Will I be expected to sign-up or participate in anything?
We will never single you out or embarrass you in any way. We do encourage everyone, including visitors, to fill out a connection card. We offer many opportunities to serve at Redeemer and always appreciate when visitors are eager to join us in our outreach, but we will never require it.
13980 Schavey Road DeWitt, MI 48820
Next Steps
So you've been visiting Redeemer and you like it here. What do you do next?
Connect with Us!
Get to know our congregation and pastor. Fill out a connection card and feel free to linger in the lobby before or after service to talk with people!
RSVP for Meet & Greet
This lunch is held on a quarterly basis following the 11:00 Service. It is a casual conversation with the pastor including a basic history of Redeemer and a chance to meet others who are also new to the church. See times and dates in the weekly e-news or worship folder announcements.
Sign Up for Membership Classes
Membership Classes are held on a quarterly basis following Meet & Greet. There are two classes to complete that are usually held on Sundays following the 11:00 Service. See times and dates in the weekly e-news or worship folder announcements.
Join the Church
Following the membership classes, a Sunday will be scheduled for the participants to take membership vows during a service. This is a special time of commitment to Redeemer Church and becoming a part of the church family.

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