"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another."

1 Peter 4:10

God has given us both the responsibility and the privilege to use our unique gifts to serve those in our community and the world according to His plan.  Please join us in ministry as we work “to connect people to the Love and Life of Jesus Christ.”


Advent House

On the third Sunday of each month, a group of people representing Redeemer prepares 100 sack lunches and delivers them to the Advent House Ministries Shelter in Lansing.  The shelter provides meals, resources, and encouragement to those living on the streets.

Baby Blessings

Once a year, Redeemer does a collection for new baby clothing and other new baby / toddler items, including disposable diapers and wipes. These items are donated to local pregnancy service agencies to help low income and struggling moms-to-be.

Backpack Ministry

Redeemer collects school supplies for students preschool–12th grade in Clinton County, north Lansing schools, and the SafeCenter. These items are sorted and placed in new backpacks and donated directly to the schools to distribute. It's our pray that this ministry will help students start the school year off with confidence and “ready to learn”. 


#bethechurch is an Outreach Ministry through Redeemer that coordinates with local ministries to reach those in need. It is our hope that in serving others in practical ways with hands-on activities, we will be able to demonstrate Redeemer’s mission of “Connecting People with the love & life of Jesus.” All events are one-time commitments, and there is a variety of opportunities for all ages. Sign up for as many as you would like.

CWS Blanket Ministry

Each year, on the last Sunday in February, Redeemer collects a special offering for Church World Services Blanket the World with Love program. To many of us, a blanket is often a possession that we take for granted, but when an individual’s world is turned upside down, a blanket becomes a tool of survival for warmth, comfort, and even shelter.

Christmas Giving Tree

Redeemer helps local families with gifts and a holiday meal through the Giving Tree. Names of families are provided by Caring & Sharing Family Life Services in Clinton County and by members of Redeemer.  A tree in the lobby is decorated with tags describing specific items for these families. Everyone is invited to choose a tag, purchase, wrap, and return the requested gift by the due date.

Helping Hands Ministry

Helping Hands Ministry meets year round the second Wednesday of every month from 2:00-4:00 p.m. to work on a variety of sewing and craft projects for local organizations. Cutting, assembling, sewing, or other simple task – all skill levels are needed and everyone is invited to join us.

Food Pantry

The Redeemer Food Pantry provides food and other essential items to Clinton County families referred through local human services organizations.  

Congregational Care Ministry

The Congregational Care Ministry helps to keep Redeemer members that are homebound or in nursing homes connected to the church and to the love and life of Jesus Christ, by offering caring visits and companionship. To become a Congregational Care Minister or to refer a homebound member, please contact the church office.

Sunshine Ministry

The Sunshine Ministry helps welcome new babies to the church family. If you attend Redeemer Church and are expecting – please let us know. We would love to plan a time to drop off a “Welcome Baby” bag full of goodies to celebrate your new little one.

Thanksgiving Baskets

Every Fall, Redeemer collects items and monetary donations to provide Thanksgiving food baskets to designated families in Clinton County. Names of recipients are provided through local human services organizations and by members of Redeemer. 


This annual event takes place the first Sunday in March with the goal of blessing over 1000 people. Volunteers either move from station to station or stay at one, doing various outreach projects that later go out into the community. There's something for all ages!

Stay Connected with the Redeemer Outreach

Follow us on the Redeemer Outreach #BeTheChurch Facebook Page (this is a separate page from the regular Redeemer Facebook) and sign up for our Outreach newsletter.


Herb and Kim Burkett

Herb and Kim have been working with SEND International in Ukraine since 2001. They are currently serving at Ukrainian Bible Church in the city of L’viv, overseeing the family ministry within the church. In addition, they have been serving at the Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary. Herb assists with the International Mission’s Program and Kim mentors students and teaches in the Women’s Ministry Program. If you would like to learn more about God’s work in Ukraine, you can follow them on Facebook or contact Herb & Kim at burketth@hotmail.com.

Joe and Jill Vincent

Jill and Joe are House Directors with Cadence International ministering to the military community at the Spangdahlem Base in Germany. The Vincent’s work alongside the military chaplains to provide a Hospitality House (The Hangar) that serves as a “home away from home” with an open door, home-cooked meals, weekly Bible study, Christian mentoring, and support for the soldiers and their families. If you would like to learn more about their work in Germany, you can follow them on Facebook, check out their webpage, or contact through email at joseph.vincent@cadence.org.

In His Steps International and Sak Saum

Advent House

In His Steps International is an umbrella organization for several ministries including Sak Saum. Located in the district of Cambodia, Sak Saum is a ministry dedicated to the rescue, restoration, transformation, and rehabilitation of vulnerable and exploited women and men. The work of Sak Saum is supported through the sale of clothing items and accessories. However, fashion is not the end goal. The goal of Sak Saum is transformation, human transformation, which flows from an intensely personal relationship with God and to address their physical, cognitive, emotional, vocational and spiritual health. To learn more, go to https://www.saksaum.com/.
Advent House Ministries is located in the heart of Lansing and has been helping people out of poverty and homelessness for 30+ years. It is their hope to provide respite from life’s struggles and create opportunities for children and adults to become self-sufficient and fulfill their potential. As the needs of the homelessness and poverty change and become more apparent, Advent House continually works to expanded bringing aid in a timely and effective manner. Redeemer annually supports their expanded services programs with a monetary contribution. To learn more, go to: www.adventhouse.com

International Justice Mission

International Justice Mission represents a global team of lawyers, investigators, social workers, community activists and other professionals who work to protect the poor from violence. They utilize our contributions to work on four action agendas: 1) to rescue victims of violence; 2) to bring criminals to justice; 3) to restore survivors; and, 4) to strengthen justice systems. To obtain more information about specific projects and prayer requests, go to: www.ijm.org.

Curious about one of our outreach opportunities?

Fill out this form to contact our Outreach Coordinator!