Bring the whole family as we “Dig Deeper” into God’s Word on Tuesday nights this winter at Redeemer.
Adult Classes
Led by: Pastor Debbie and Paul Thomas
Location: High School Room
This class will be a video study and discuss the book PARENTING: Getting it Right by Andy and Sandra Stanley.
Location: High School Room
This class will be a video study and discuss the book PARENTING: Getting it Right by Andy and Sandra Stanley.
Led by: Pastor Cal Long
Location: Worship Center
This class will read and study in-depth the book of Philippians.
Location: Worship Center
This class will read and study in-depth the book of Philippians.
Momentum for Life
Led by: Men's Ministry
Location: Meeting Room
This class for men will be a video study and discuss the book Momentum for Life by Michael Slaughter.
Location: Meeting Room
This class for men will be a video study and discuss the book Momentum for Life by Michael Slaughter.
Kid Classes
Kids Club
Grades K-5
Location: Kids Wing
Kids will start in the Multipurpose Room, then break into smaller groups: K-2 will be in the Art Room and 3-5 will be in the Bridge Room.
Theme: “Hands-on Faith”—Each week kids will do a simple science experiment to illustrate the power of having faith in God.
Location: Kids Wing
Kids will start in the Multipurpose Room, then break into smaller groups: K-2 will be in the Art Room and 3-5 will be in the Bridge Room.
Theme: “Hands-on Faith”—Each week kids will do a simple science experiment to illustrate the power of having faith in God.
Volunteers needed for Kid Classes.
Nursery Care
Location: Nursery
Nursery care will be available for infants and toddlers (0-5 years).
Volunteers needed for Nursery. (2 adults + teens)
Nursery care will be available for infants and toddlers (0-5 years).
Volunteers needed for Nursery. (2 adults + teens)
Middle School
Middle Schoolers will continue meeting for Radiate in the gym during this time.
Theme for February: Rooted in Love: Growing Relationships through Christ
Theme for February: Rooted in Love: Growing Relationships through Christ
High School
High Schoolers are welcome to join an adult class, but are encouraged to volunteer for either Nursery or Kid Classes (this can count towards NHS hours).
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