Sunday Service Times:
8:15 | 9:30 | 11:00 AM

What's Happening

Join us on Easter Sunday for an inspiring service of worship as we look at the ways the resurrection of Jesus changed the first disciples and the ways that it can change you today. Bring the whole family; everyone is welcome!
Yee Haw! Kids Bible Camp: Wonder Junction is coming to Redeemer! Join us June 16-19, from 9-11:30 am, for engaging Bible stories, games, art, science, and more! This camp is for kids Age 3 - Grade 5. Registration opens on Sunday, April 6! Stay tuned for more info. 
SpringHill Day Camp is a week-long camp experience, August 4-8, for students who have completed Kindergarten - 5th Grade. $100 off Early Bird Camp Code is available through March 31! Plus, $50 off per child when registering siblings. Registration is now open!


Our church is located in DeWitt, MI. We believe in connecting people with the love and life of Jesus Christ! All are welcome.

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Redeemer United Methodist Church

13980 Schavey Road DeWitt, MI 48820
Traditional - 8:15 am
Modern - 9:30 & 11:00 am
Livestream - 9:30 am